He just can't stop talking, and nobody else has a chance to get a word in the conversation. 他说话的时候就是停不下来,在谈话的过程中,没有任何人插得进嘴。
Fluent readers rarely stop at an unknown word. 阅读熟练的读者在遇到生词时很少会停下来。
That could very well be your next stop, if you say another word. 那可能是你下一个非常好的去处,如果你再多说一句的话。
Second, do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know. 其次,不要一碰到不认识的单词或短语就停下来。
Other people stop at each new word and look it up in the dictionary, but this method can slow down your reading, affecting concentration and comprehension. 还有些人一遇到生词就停下来查词典,这种做法也会减慢你的阅读速度,会影响你不能全神贯注不能全面理解。
But the woman would stop playing at some point, and the travelers would give her a crust of bread, or a coin, or simply a word of thanks if that was all they had to give. 不过妇人也终有停下来的时候,这个时候,路人或是给她一片面包,一个分币,或者只是句简单的谢谢,他们也只能给这些了。
Red cloud could stop this nonsense with a word. 红云没法阻止这个愚蠢的谣传。
That is why98 percent of adults are conditioned to stop when they hear the word no. 这就是为什么在听到“不”这个字的时候,有98%的年就会习惯地停下手。
He cannot stop to show his reader how each constituent word of the original sentence is throbbing with a life of its own, and aglow with the fascination of a personal history. 他不能给他的读者显示,组成原句中每个词自己生命的悸动,以及个人历史发光的魅力。
If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat. 如果外国的想法进来,刚刚停止这些想法,在一个轻松的方式,并保持对集中后,呼吸等字,你再重复。
One of the biggest problems if you stop reading a book to look up the meaning of a word is that you loose the flow of reading or the author's train of thought. 若你在阅读中途停下来查询单字,会造成一个很大的问题,那就是你的阅读将无法顺利进行或是无法了解作者的思路。
Remember to put a full stop after the last word. 记住在最后一个单词后面加上句号。
Don't stop every time you come to a word of phrase you don't know. 你遇到一个不会的单词或词组不要每次都停下来。
Stop word in between teeth but don't know where to complain, circling back and forth. 驻足在齿间的温语却不知从何诉起,来回的盘旋着。
But let me just stop here and say just a word about the exam on Wednesday. 我们先停下来,讨论一下星期三的考试。
Removal of Stop Word in Users 'Request for Information Retrieval 信息检索用户查询语句的停用词过滤
The extended dictionary is divided into temporary and stop word dictionary, combining temporary dictionary with statistical strategy as the basis for the unknown word to learn and train, stop word dictionary is used to store high-frequency non-word strings, thus reducing the burden of temporary dictionary. 扩展词典分为临时词典和停用词典,临时词典与统计策略相结合,作为候选未登录词的学习训练依据,停用词典用来存储高频非词字串,这样可以减少临时词典的负担。
Receive data from wireless sensor network. Through setting baud rate, stop bits, word size and parity of virtual serial port, and then operating serial port with reading and writing to complete USB virtual serial communication between base station and gateway. 3. 完成无线传感器网络数据的接收。设置虚拟串口的波特率、停止位、数据位、奇偶校验位,对串口进行读写操作,实现了基站节点与网关节点之间的USB虚拟串口通信。